RE: reason for invalidity of stZ009?

XSD 1.1 is clear that types cannot be derived directly from
xs:anySimpleType. See 3.16.1

As described in Type Definition Hierarchy (§, every simple type
definition is a ·restriction· of some other simple type (the {base type
definition}), which is ·xs:anySimpleType· if and only if the type definition
in question is ·xs:anyAtomicType· or a list or union type definition which
is not itself derived by restriction from a list or union respectively. A
type definition has ·xs:anyAtomicType· as its {base type definition} if and
only if it is one of the primitive datatypes. 

I don't believe this is stated explicitly in XSD 1.0, though I think one can
argue that it isn't allowed as an indirect consequence of other rules.

Michael Kay 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf 
> Of Tobias Koenig
> Sent: 06 November 2008 10:35
> To:
> Subject: reason for invalidity of stZ009?
> Hej,
> why exactly is that schema (part of MS-SimpleType tests) wrong?
> It makes sense that derivation by restriction from 
> xs:AnySimpleType is not allowed, but where is that mentioned 
> in the schema spec?
> Thanks in advance
> Ciao,
> Tobias

Received on Thursday, 6 November 2008 22:32:51 UTC