RE: question about disallowedSubst test cases

> in schema 1.1 spec there is stated under Schema Component Constraint: 
> Substitution Group OK (Transitive):
>   2.1  H. {disallowed substitutions} does not contain substitution.
> According to that test case disallowedSubst00101m would be 
> invalid, however it is marked as valid and saxon conformance 
> result lists it as valid as well...
> So why it is valid?!? The head element contains 
> 'substitution' in its disallowed substitution property.

For reasons which I don't claim to understand, violation of this constraint
does not invalidate a schema, it only invalidates an instance. Specifically,
the constraint is only referenced from validation rules, and not from the
rules determining schema validity.


  element A

  element B substitutionGroup=A block=substitution

  element C substitutionGroup=B

An instance of C is allowed to substitute for A, but not for B.

This spec moves in mysterious ways...

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 15:48:58 UTC