from January 2004 by subject


Attributes and WSDL - update

Auction Use Case

Burdett 1/20/2004: Auction Use Case

choreographies implementation

choreographies implementation && access point

Choreography and Orchestration

DRAFT agenda for 27th Jan

Features and Properties

GGF announces a new set of standards

Issues summary (possibly to discuss on the call)

Minutes 9th December 2003

Please Join My Superb Yahoo Forums!

Question on GRID and Choreography


Updated paper: Workflow is just a Pi Process

WS Choreography Deliverables

WS Choreography Model Overview Visio diagram

WS-Agreement - where does this fit with a CDL or where does a CDL fit with it?

WS-I review drafts of Basic Profile Attachements work now available

Last message date: Friday, 30 January 2004 19:21:50 UTC