RE: WS Choreography Deliverables

It would be normative in that it is the definitive authority. So if there
were was (which we hope not) an inconsistency between the "Primer" and the
"Descrption Language" specs then the Description Language spec should be
relied on.

... or are you asking about the generating process language definitions from
CDL ... in that case, I (and I also think the other editors) have not formed
any clear view although we all thought that the potential value meant that
we should discuss the idea on the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Mischkinsky []
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:40 AM
To: Burdett, David; WS Choreography (E-mail)
Cc: WS Chor Editors (E-mail)
Subject: Re: WS Choreography Deliverables

At 11:18 PM 1/28/2004, Burdett, David wrote:
>As promised in the conference call on Tuesday, here's the draft of the WS 
>Choreography Deliverables document that describes what the editors think 
>should be the deliverables of the group. It identifies two main documents:
>    * A "WS Choreography Primer", which would be non-normative
>    * A "WS Choreography Description Language", which would be normative
>It also identifies one possible additional document that would describe 
>how to generate process language definitions (e.g. BPEL) for a role from a 
>Choreography Definition.

Would that be normative or more in the nature of an informative appendix or 


>Comments are welcome.
>Director, Standards Strategy
>Commerce One
>One Market Street, Steuart Tower, Suite 1300, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
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Jeff Mischkinsky            
Consulting Member Technical Staff     +1(650)506-1975
Director, Web Services Standards      500 Oracle Parkway M/S 4OP9
Oracle Corporation                    Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2004 16:49:13 UTC