- From: Howard N Smith <howard.smith@ontology.org>
- Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 11:45:13 +0000
- To: public-ws-chor@w3.org
Folks, This is to let you know that Wil and I are in discussion over this topic. What will come out of that I'm not clear yet, but we'll keep the group informed. What I can say at this point is the following: 1. I believe that it is not possible to analyze BPML against Wil's workflow patterns without taking into account the capabilities of the technology (process virtual machine) that is intended to go along side the specification. This would also be true of any significant BPEL runtime. Having spoken to vendors intending to develop BPEL runtimes, they would also plan to implement workflow patterns, and workflow engine functionality, using BPEL patterns at a lower level, just as we shown is possible with BPML in our paper and through reference to Intalio's work with BPMI.org. Thus, I do think Wil's paper has to be read in that light. It was to bring to light another way of looking at things that we wrote the paper. I can assure you that all of Wil's patterns are quite easy to do in BPML. Of course, building up an end to end process using these patterns is not how business and technical architects actually work when using a BPMS like Intalio n3. They just model-away using BPML in a natural kind of fashion. Some of Wil's patterns will appear in that, but often not explicitly. However, from Wil's perspective, the patterns exist and can be supported, as reusable process idioms. Idioms is a word we may hear about more in the future in the concept of process reuse. 2. I think what we meant to imply by using the title "Workflow is just a Pi process" is that there is something foundational about the Pi concepts that allow us to model higher level processes, including workflow-like processes. We could have equally written papers with the following titles: ERP is just a Pi process SCM is just a Pi process B2B is just a Pi process Adding Up is just a Pi process Managing A List is just a Pi process EAI is just a Pi process Data is just a Pi process etc After all, this process data unification lies at the heart of why we want BPMS. The fact that we focussed on workflow for this article was simply because there were outstanding items to discuss between WfMC and BPMI with respect to our joint work. In fact, Computer Sciences has also used BPML to model ERP, B2B, EAI to show it can be done. In some cases the BPML stands alone, in other cases it proxies for technology integrated to BPMS via projection and turns services into processes, federating computation into existing technologies where clients wish to reuse those. Just to clarify. If you look at some of the swimlane diagrams in the paper, each swimlane is a BPML process in its own right (the XML form and notational form being just alternate notations). The process virtual machine within the BPMS creates end to end processes out of piecemeal processes at all levels. This is where the Pi concepts come in, since the interaction between swimlanes is of course mobile behavior as defined by Milner. We chose email as an example as it is a recusive process with this characteristic. We have found similar characteristics with change management processes, record keeping processes etc. We see no correspondence between these and typical workflow processes as WFMS have been typically applied in business. It feels very different to me in practice. I believe that the significance of choreography lies at the heart of this, which is kind of why a subset of BPMI.org members submitted WSCI, based on BPML, to this group, as a first step towards unification. After all, it is WSCI-territory that allows multiple technologies from existing players (even if they have no intention to build a BPMS) to be used in conjunction with each other. Howard
Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2003 06:47:40 UTC