Re: WSA SOAP Binding minor editorial issues

On Mar 10, 2005, at 6:53 PM, Jonathan Marsh wrote:
>>> 7) Section 5 says: "The [action] property below designates
>>> WS-Addressing
>>> fault messages:".  But as
>>> we're (unfortunately) not defining that URI we should illustrate a
>>> different [action] value.
>> We can define an action URI for the messages we define (the SOAP fault
>> ones), I think this is OK as is but we might want to define individual
>> actions for each fault we define rather than using a single action for
>> all of them - a new issue ?
> I am perfectly OK with it, since it provides the functionality I asked
> for, and was refused, in i049.  At the same URI no less!  Multiple URIs
> is also fine but I can live without it.
There's a key difference between the status quo and your proposal for 
i049. The status quo defines an action URI for the faults defined by 
WS-Addressing. Your proposal for i049 (IIRC) was to define a generic 
fault URI that can be used with any application fault no described in 
WSDL and to also use that URI for the fault defined by WS-Addressing.

With the status quo I can inspect the action URI and determine the type 
of fault (or at least that it pertains to WS-Addressing usage). With 
your proposal the action URI would have just said that the message was 
a fault.


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
Web Technologies and Standards, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Saturday, 12 March 2005 14:08:59 UTC