Re: JS content plan

Thanks, Max!

Yes, it seems like a lot to document. I would let the original project
page go, as that was the general proposal, and focus on getting some pages
in the /test/ area.

When you say ³we are currently in an email list conversing², which email
list are you referring to? Do you mean this thread or has another email
list popped up?

Also, I asked if you¹d be able to attend tomorrow¹s general meeting so we
can close in on the import. If not, this email will give us enough to
discuss, and we¹ll get status from Renoir on the import issues (caching, I



-----Original Message-----
From: Max Polk <>
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 6:11 PM
To: julee <>
Cc: WebPlatform Public List <>
Subject: Re: JS content plan

>Hello Julee,
>You asked about the JavaScript page names.
>The issue tracker is useful, I'm beginning to keep it up to date:
>We are currently in an email list conversing.
>And then there is the project proposal page:
>Keeping all three up to date feels like fighting Cerberus, the
>three-headed hellhound:
>While he guards the gates of the Underworld, to prevent those who have
>crossed the river Styx from ever escaping, here we are trying to escape
>and bring light and freedom to webplatform users in our heroic quest!
>:-) For me, I was trying to pull a Bilbo Baggins and sneak by unnoticed
>past the threefold attack vector but you caught me. :-|
>My progress is that I was working msjs-3 (issue tracker -- automated
>conversion) and ran into a problem with the batch test upload. Renoir
>promptly fixed it, so I'm all set to go on an initial upload to the test
>wiki, where the pages in their current phase of evolution can be
>You asked:
> > I see a couple, such as Date,[2] but that¹s not yours, right?
>Correct, they are there from before. Eventually those would have to be
>moved to a new location so as to not overlap, then the content in them
>extracted and placed into the existing pages on a case-by-case basis.
>That is not this current phase where I'm uploading an early copy for
>My feeling is that seeing the early copy sitting in the test wiki will
>give clarity to our discussions more than any abstract discussions about
>it can provide.

Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 02:23:42 UTC