Re: Assigning ownership of project buckets

Dude, you're about 2 weight classes above me! How about, you could be
Information Architecture on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every other
week, while I'm Content on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then, the next week, we
switch. During leap years, we both travel to Reykjavik, and suitably
dressed in black trenchcoats and fedoras, hold a Rock-Paper-Scissors
contest (best 3 of 5), to see who gets the extra day. Also, there has to be
plenty of Scotch.

Actually, I think IA and Content are inextricably bound and probably belong
in the same bucket. I'm glad to continue assisting Chris as he leads these
efforts. Hands across the water / heads across the sky* and all that.


* Forgive the reference to Paul McCartney, whose idea of a power
chord admittedly compares more to a
but we yanks love Sir Paul, and he's appearing at Outside
Lands<>in S.F. this year along with
Nine Inch Nails, who will hopefully have some
influence if not anti-amelioration.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Chris Mills <> wrote:

> I'm happy to do one of content, or IA. Scott, which would you prefer? If
> we can't decide, then I suggest we have an arm wrestle to decide.
> Chris Mills
> Opera Software,
> W3C Fellow, web education and
> Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (
> On 17 Apr 2013, at 07:27, Julee <> wrote:
> > We're getting closer to our bug base, project tracker being finished.
> For each project bucket on, we need someone to
> take ownership. The owner would:
> >
> > * further refine that project's goals for beta[1][2]
> > * populate the team on
> > * define bugs, tasks, features, etc., toward beta on
> > * triage issues that come into that project's queue
> > * report back on progress toward beta
> >
> > The following is a list of proposed owners for each bucket. If you're
> unable to take ownership, or think someone else would be better suited,
> please let us know what you're thinking:
> >
> > * Analytics           Patrick D'Souza
> > * Blog                        Eliot
> > * Comments            Doug
> > * Content             Chris (or Scott)
> > * Info Arch           Scott (or Chris)
> > * Dabblet             Lea
> > * PRMG                        Garbee
> > * Search              Julee
> > * Skin                        Lea
> > * Templates           Alex
> > * Community   Janet
> >
> > Julee
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > ----------------------------
> >
> > @adobejulee

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 16:23:32 UTC