[Minutes] 22 March 2017 WPIG Meeting in Chicago
[Minutes] 3 March 2017 Vision Task Force meeting
[Regulatory] Updated task force home page (goals, deliverables, etc.)
[TIME CRITICAL] Provide input on Verifiable Claims Charter revision 2
[webinar] how web apps could benefit from secure elements ?
Blockcerts Rebooting Web of Trust topics
Blog post about IG FTF meeting
Logistics note for FTF meeting 22 March - light breakfast!
Minutes [Was: Next con-call - Regulatory Issues TF - 2 March - 9AM East - 2PM UTC]
Minutes [Was: Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2017-03-13 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes]
Next con-call - Regulatory Issues TF - 2 March - 9AM East - 2PM UTC
No meeting 2017-03-06 - sorry for notice after the fact
No meeting 2017-03-20
No Meeting 2017-03-27
No meeting 2017-04-03
PR for playground
Reminder: Vision Task force meeting 3 March, 9am ET
Request concerning the recent Web Payments IG f2f
Social Payments. Was: Reminder: Vision Task force meeting 3 March, 9am ET
Tuesday Dinner in Chicago - River Roast - 6pm
Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2017-03-13 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes
Web-based Digital Wallets and Loyalty
WhatsApp invitation for Web Payments IG/WG meetings
Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2017 15:06:54 UTC