Next con-call - Regulatory Issues TF - 2 March - 9AM East - 2PM UTC

Dear all,
The RegulatoryLandscape Task Force - Web Payments Interest Group
<> will have its
next teleconference tomorrow on Thursday 2 March, at 9AM East. UTC-5 (3AM -
UTC+1, Paris, Brussels, ...).

Before the call, *please have a look on the following wiki pages*, that
have been restructured, following our previous exchanges:

   - The main page:
   - The page about jurisdictions  mapping:
   - A first sample of a focus on a specific jurisdiction, i.e. the EU
   (thanks to Jurgen for his contribution):
   - The FlowAnalysis page (thanks to Ian for this first contribution to
   the bottom up approach):
   - and the checklist of key topic to be discussed and reviewed:

*Call info:*

> Host key: 831351
> Join WebEx meeting
> <>
> Meeting number:           647 512 422
> Meeting password:       D2Ajgy43
>  Join by phone
> *+1-617-324-0000* US Toll Number
> Access code: 647 512 422
> CCM:+16173240000x647512422# Mobile Auto Dial:+1-617-324-0000,,,647512422#
> Can't join the meeting? Contact support. <>


   1. Update about the wiki pages
   2. Discussion about FlowAnalysis
   3. The first sample of a focus on a jurisdiction: remarks and
   suggestions about the suggested framework, additional information required,
   next jurisdictions to be focused
   4. Preparation of the F2F in Chicago
   5. AOB

*IRC, Please join this new channel : #wpay-reg*

Best regards

Jean-Yves ROSSI
+336  51 24 77 94
[image: logo_CANTON-Consulting] CANTON <http://goog_1803985827/> -
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Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2017 20:35:21 UTC