from August 2003 by subject

[public-webont-comments] <none>

a question about reasoner

brief implementation report, OWL Full, "surnia"

Comment on CR AS&S

CR draft OWL Reference owl.rdf

Fwd: O rdf:type Ontology repeatable? (was Re: O rdf:type owl:Ontology optional?)

Fwd: OWL Test Cases and Species Validation

Missing AllDisjoint?

O rdf:type Ontology repeatable? (was Re: O rdf:type owl:Ontology optional?)

O rdf:type owl:Ontology optional?

OWL comment - blank nodes in OWL DL

OWL comment - data ranges (was blank nodes in OWL DL)

OWL S&AS: Translation to RDF Graphs

Report on Parsing the OWL tests

soundness, completeness and decidability proofs

unspecified domain,range in App. C of OWL Language Reference 31 March 2003

XSD namespace in guide

Last message date: Thursday, 28 August 2003 09:50:13 UTC