CR draft OWL Reference owl.rdf

This email to Mike Dean bounced at BBN's server so I'll send it here.

I read
and noticed the new owl.rdf:

You seem to have thrown out all the dublin core stuff from the last
version.  That's up to you I guess, is there a reason?  Maybe you are
waiting for the publication date.   Anyway, the xmlns:dc remains.

A possible bug, the rdfs:seeAlso is a string value, not a URI, so no RDF
software will ever use it as a URI.

The only other thing left is style, you could just have
  <AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;seeAlso"/>
ditto for other things with bare rdf:Description.

which might read better.


Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2003 07:31:57 UTC