Re: CSS shorthand reference

On 7 Dec 2011, at 16:12, Masataka Yakura wrote:

> Hello all,
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:54 AM, Chris Mills <> wrote:
>> I had some spare material to put someplace, so I put it here. Let me know if you think this is useful, and what else needs to be added. IT's not quite finished yet - you'll see a few comments littered about.
> Looking great!
> I've added "Enhancements in CSS3" subsection under the Background
> section. Since CSS3 B&B 1) adds a few new bg properties 2) extend
> bg-position to take four arguments 3) enables us to have multiple
> background images, background shorthand is also extended to reflect
> these enhancements. I've already put some text for #1; I'll plan to do
> the rest next week.
> Feedback (and grammar fixes) much appreciated!

Thank you so much Masataka! I have given it a bit of an edit to clear up a few small grammar points.

I guess a question to ask now is - in these situations, do we always want to present the CSS3 way as the way to do it, or do we want to present the CSS 2 way as the way to do it, but then show the CSS3 additions separately? I think the way you've got it laid out here is actually pretty helpful and works nicely.

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2011 18:25:59 UTC