01/04/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
01/11/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
01/18/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
01/25/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 03cf32: Proofreading fixes, finish attestation cleanup
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 0d0fce: Rename attestationStatement back to just attestati...
[w3c/webauthn] 26aea4: Specify that clientDataJSON does not need to be ca...
[w3c/webauthn] 2c050b: Built by Travis-CI: 6267cc1e81ae9999f11d75f37b4f9a...
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 2c136f: lex
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 317861: Add U2F attestation format
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 425db1: Built by Travis-CI: e5c895ffda80defd370372c60ccdf8...
[w3c/webauthn] 42fa30: Add markup to eliminate bikeshed warnings
[w3c/webauthn] 440720: resized attstn structs figure, added fig to sectio...
[w3c/webauthn] 44fec2: Implement Rolf's naming suggestions
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 4861b6: Editorial tweaks for wording consistency
- GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 57203e: added missing reference FIDO-APPID
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 6267cc: Renaming WebAuthn -> Authentication (#317)
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 662a77: Add reference for U2F message formats
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] 8daea6: Tweak wording and naming of CBOR fields
- GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)
[w3c/webauthn] a65804: moved structures names to avoid confusion
[w3c/webauthn] ad12bd: remove ScopedCredentialInfo.publicKey; use credent...
[w3c/webauthn] b197ff: added attestation data to attstn structs diagram
[w3c/webauthn] b2ecda: Many attestation and signature cleanups
[w3c/webauthn] bd1c9b: Fix up TPM attestation format
- GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
[w3c/webauthn] dc90ea: first draft of attestation structure figure added
- GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)
[w3c/webauthn] e5c895: Reference the Encoding spec's UTF-8 Encode definit...
[webauthn] "rp" isn't a widely enough known acronym?, should be relyingParting instead?
[webauthn] "ScopedCred" enum should be "scoped-cred"
[webauthn] 5.2.2. Generating a signature
[webauthn] Add clearer definition of API use cases to the spec
[webauthn] Add cloud transport option to transport hint
[webauthn] Bug #256 - Clarify call of the "Relaxing the Same-Origin Restriction" algorithm
[webauthn] callerOrigin isn't actually the origin of the caller; it's the origin of the callee
[webauthn] Can we get rid of the "Web" prefix for WebAuthnAttestation, etc?
[webauthn] Clean up attestation, abstract it from UA, fix TPM format, add U2F format
[webauthn] Consider removing the "n" in "WebAuthnAttestation", etc
[webauthn] Consider scoping Account and ClientData
[webauthn] Consider using CDDL (CBOR data definition language) to define CBOR-encoded data structures
[webauthn] Define a U2F attestation format
[webauthn] detail-level issues in signature format, attestation format(s), attestation statement
[webauthn] excludeList and allowList should be excludeCredentials and allowCredentials
[webauthn] Explainer or more examples?
[webauthn] facet should be USVString
[webauthn] hashAlg -> hashAlgorithm?
[webauthn] Inline and clarify the "Relaxing the Same-Origin Restriction" algorithm
[webauthn] Is there a reason "WebAuthnAssertion" is not "WebAuthenticationAssertion"?
[webauthn] Move `allowList` from optional to default on `getAssertion`
[webauthn] new commits pushed by equalsJeffH
[webauthn] new commits pushed by jcjones
[webauthn] new commits pushed by rlin1
[webauthn] new commits pushed by vijaybh
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Monday, 9 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Monday, 9 January)
- Vijay Bharadwaj via GitHub (Saturday, 7 January)
[webauthn] new commits pushed by WebAuthnBot
[webauthn] overall security considerations section or document
[webauthn] Please coordinate with the HTML spec to extract the relevant bits of the document.domain setter so you can call them
[webauthn] Propose procedure for adding to attestation/extension registry
[webauthn] Reference the Encoding spec's UTF-8 Encode definition
[webauthn] Renamed timeoutSeconds to timeoutMilliseconds
[webauthn] Renaming WebAuthn -> Authentication
[webauthn] RSA credential public key encoding in "attestation data" incorrectly specified?
[webauthn] Should WebAuthnAttestation attributes have constructors?
[webauthn] Simplifying attestation, take two
[webauthn] TAG review feedback: Align Credential interface with Credential Management?
[webauthn] timeoutSeconds options should just be timeout in ms?
[webauthn] tokenBinding member of ClientData should be tokenBindingID
[webauthn] Too generic names?
[webauthn] Unclear how ClientData is created in makeCredential()
[webauthn] What ensures any semblance of interop for WebAuthnExtensions?
[webauthn] Whitespace around < > in Web IDL is unusual
Closed: [webauthn] Can we get rid of the "Web" prefix for WebAuthnAttestation, etc?
Closed: [webauthn] Consider removing the "n" in "WebAuthnAttestation", etc
Closed: [webauthn] facet should be USVString
Closed: [webauthn] Is there a reason "WebAuthnAssertion" is not "WebAuthenticationAssertion"?
Closed: [webauthn] Move `allowList` from optional to default on `getAssertion`
fyi: CBOR Maintenance and Extensions WG formed (IETF)
gif files in /images repo subdirectory?
New concall info, starting 1 Feb
Refactoring the "relax" algorithm @ HTML
regrets, plus some thoughts on PRs, issues, and WD-04 (was: 01/04/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
WebAuthn API on Edge
WebAuthn WD-02 implemented in Firefox Nightly
WebSec IG and Privacy IG meetings tomorrow, 19 Jan
Last message date: Monday, 30 January 2017 15:19:19 UTC