ISSUE-149 (missing key values): The multiply and other key values are missing [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-149 (missing key values): The multiply and other key values are missing [DOM3 Events]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: DOM3 Events

Travis Leithead <>:
During implementation of the 'key' and 'char' properties in IE9, we discovered that there appears to be a missing key from the Key Values Set (6.2.7).

For the number-pad keys, there are already keys provided in the list in the current draft of the spec for:

*         "Add"

*         "Subtract"

*         "Divide"

*         "Decimal"

*         "Subtract"

However, "Multiply" is missing.

I do not know if this is a deliberate omission because of the text in the final paragraph of section 6.2, which says: "due to the lack of a multiplication key on many keyboard".

The Windows OS is providing this named key ["Multiply"] to IE, and therefore to other browsers as well. I propose that "Multiply" be added to the list of Key Value Set.

In implementation of IE9's support for the 'key' and 'char' properties of the Keyboard event, we found that additional named keys provide char values, which are not explicitly called out in the current editor's draft of section 6.2.7.

The subset we have identified so far, which we expect users to want char values for are listed below:

key Name        Char value
'Add'           +
'Decimal'       .
'Divide'        /
'Enter'         \n
'Multiply'      *
'Subtract'      -

It is our recommendation that these 'char' values be added to the spec's list of Key Values Set.

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 18:21:52 UTC