Accessibility Claims and Logos -- first thoughts
Agenda September 7. meeting logistics
Calling Logistics and Agenda for UMTF 14 Sept 2006
Calling Logistics and Agenda for UMTF 7 Sept 2006
CORRECTION -- Re: UMTF Calling Logistics and Agenda
existing WAI docs for users [was: materials for: Update UMTF - Meeting Logistics for Thursday 31 August 06]
new doc
No meeting Thursday 28 September
Personas for the UMTF
Priority Analysis with Synthesized Deliverables
Priority Analysis with Synthesized Deliverables --- With actual attachments
Promoting/Advocating Web Accessibility requirements online [Re: Requirements Start]
Regrets for UMTF 5 Oct, and probably 12 Oct
Regrets, meeting September 21,
Requirements Start
Task 1 for the UM Task Force - Personas
This week's meeting - I'll be home in time.
This week's work
TIME CORRECTION 2:00 Eastern -- Re: Calling Logistics and Agenda for UMTF 14 Sept 2006
UMTF - A task for you...
UMTF Calling Logistics and Agenda
UMTF Meeting 7 September 06 at 3:00 PM EDT
UMTF minutes from past meetings
UMTF reminder: No teleconference today 28 September
UMTF will be at 2PM EDT not 3PM EDT
Last message date: Thursday, 28 September 2006 17:28:58 UTC