"Drawing the Pictures"
[ALL] agenda 28 Aug telecon - 1500 UTC
[ALL] agenda Aug 7 telecon - 1500 UTC
[ALL] logistics page for Amsterdam ftf
[ALL] registration page for Amsterdam ftf
[ALL] SWD face-to-face - draft agenda
[ALL] SWD face-to-face - draft agenda - contribution to the Vocabulary Management session
[ALL] SWD face-to-face - draft agenda; +RDFa
[ramm.x] Activity report & news ...
[RDFa] ISSUE-3: syntactic sugar for rdf:type
[RDFa] meeting record: 2007-08-30 RDFa Task Force telecon
[Recipes] ISSUE-58: .htaccess 'accept header' ONLY responds to a header which EXACTLY matches \"application/rdf+xml\"
[SKOS] RE : Skos mapping issues
[SKOS] user stories
Agenda - Aug 21 2007 SWD telecon - 1500 UTC
Call for Exclusions (Update): SKOS Use Cases and Requirements
CFP: (Deadline extension: 12th August) EON2007 workshop at ISWC2007
ISSUE-59: xml:base support
meeting record: 2007-08-09 RDF-in-XHTML telecon
regrets for 28 August
Regrets for 4th September
regrets for Aug 7 telecon - 1500 UTC
Regrets for next telecons
regrets for next two weeks
Scribe duty
Scribing - Re: Agenda - Aug 21 2007 SWD telecon - 1500 UTC
SKOS use case: ISO 11179
some thoughts about ISSUE 35 ConceptSchemeContainment
Last message date: Thursday, 30 August 2007 19:37:17 UTC