nested links in SVG

Hi all,

Should nested links be prohibited in SVG for accessibility reasons? SVG is
considering allowing nested links in SVG and the SVG WG is allowing us to
give feedback on whether nested links would provide accessibility issues.
Here is a link to the SVG git issue.  SVG links (SVG <a> element) are
reachable via tabs and should be readable by AT. In the future, we want to
be able to navigate through the semantically important SVG elements
(including links) and have AT read them.

HTML prohibits nested links. This discussion should not be about what HTML
does since SVG is a separate language.  What would help the SVG
accessibility task force the most is if you can state potential technical
difficulties that will arise in trying to support it or how it will create
extra work for user agents or AT.

PS. I started a similar thread on ARIA and Michael Cooper thought that it
should be run through APA as well.  Here are some of the discussion from
the ARIA list.

Folks in the SVG a11y task force, this will be on the agenda for next
    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 18:51:47 UTC