"image" link relation (was: Re: [AS2] Deprecate "url" in favor of "id" and "self" link relations)
[AS2] Deprecate "url" in favor of "id" and "self" link relations
- James M Snell (Monday, 25 August)
- Markus Lanthaler (Monday, 25 August)
- Owen Shepherd (Friday, 22 August)
- James M Snell (Friday, 22 August)
- Goix Laurent Walter (Thursday, 21 August)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 August)
- Owen Shepherd (Thursday, 21 August)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 August)
- Andreas Kuckartz (Thursday, 21 August)
- Owen Shepherd (Thursday, 21 August)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 August)
- Erik Wilde (Thursday, 21 August)
- Andreas Kuckartz (Thursday, 21 August)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 August)
Agenda for Informal Social WG meeting Tuesday
AS2 contribution review
First Informal meeting of Social Interest Group
Hydra and JSON-LD Re: Social Web Working Group Charter
Informal Social WG meeting today Tuesday 19th 16:00 EST/13:00 Pacific/20:00 Pacific
Invited Experts for Social WG approved
ISSUE-1: What should we do about https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/5
Last informal Social WG telecon tomorrow - West Coasters, update Doodle!
Minutes for the August 5th Call Informal Social Web WG
Minutes of first official WG meeting: August 26th
Minutes of our "Not actually the last" informal meeting Aug 12th
R: [AS2] Deprecate "url" in favor of "id" and "self" link relations
R: Agenda for Informal Social WG meeting Tuesday
R: Minutes of first official WG meeting: August 26th
R: R: R: Social API: Scope
R: R: Social API: Scope
Significant German document claims: Interoperability of social networking instances is "almost impossible"
Social API: Scope
- henry.story@bblfish.net (Sunday, 3 August)
- James M Snell (Sunday, 3 August)
- henry.story@bblfish.net (Sunday, 3 August)
- Harry Halpin (Sunday, 3 August)
- Nicola Greco (Sunday, 3 August)
- henry.story@bblfish.net (Sunday, 3 August)
- Erik Wilde (Sunday, 3 August)
- Erik Wilde (Sunday, 3 August)
- henry.story@bblfish.net (Sunday, 3 August)
- James M Snell (Sunday, 3 August)
- Harry Halpin (Sunday, 3 August)
- Erik Wilde (Sunday, 3 August)
Social Interest Group Informal Meeting Minutes
Social Web WG agenda for 26 August 2014
Social Web Working Group Charter
Time of WG Calls (was Re: Minutes of first official WG meeting: August 26th)
updated survey
Use Cases (was Re: Minutes of first official WG meeting: August 26th)
W3C Members with social products
Weekly WG calls to take place on Tuesdays at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern, 5 PM UTC
Last message date: Tuesday, 26 August 2014 23:02:53 UTC