2 Informatics Positions at JnJ
2nd CFP: Int. Workshop on Role of Semantic Web in Provenance (SWPM 2010) at ISWC2010
[TMO] coding XML patient data in the Indivo schema
BioRDF minutes
BioRDF Telcon
Call for Participation: 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics 2010) and 5th International Conference on Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2010)
CFP IEEE Internet Computing Special Issue: Web Technology and Architecture for Personal Health Records
CFP: 4th International SMR2 Workshop @ ISWC 2010
CFP: ECCB 2010 Workshop: Annotation, interpretation and management of Mutations (AIMM2010)
CfP: Semantic Web Applications and Tools Workshop (SWAT4LS 2010)
FDA, CDER Data Standards Plan
Fwd: changed FR and UK dial-in numbers for teleconferences
Fwd: Invitation to the J.Cheminf. thematic issue for the ACS RDF 2010 meeting
Fwd: The Business of BioBanking - View Preliminary Agenda
HCLS Telecon record: 1 July 2010
HCLS Terminology call this coming MONDAY 7/5 is CANCELLED
HCLS Terminology call this coming MONDAY, 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern time
Invitation to the J.Cheminf. thematic issue for the ACS RDF 2010 meeting
ISWC SERES workshop, Natasha Noy and Peter Yim keynote speakers
LODD Minutes
LODD Telcon
Natasha Noy and Peter Yim keynote speakers at SERES (ISWC)
NETTAB 2010 on Biological Wikis: Call for Contributions
ontology developer position available
TMO Summer Recess
TMO Telcon
TMO Telcon Minutes
Towards ontology metrics to guide the development and assessment of "good" ontologies
Last message date: Saturday, 31 July 2010 19:32:30 UTC