from November 2017 by subject

[Minutes] Second Screen WG F2F - TPAC 2017

[presentation-api] [meta] Presentation API Testing

[presentation-api] Allow page to turn itself into a presentation session

[presentation-api] Ask for tests for normative changes in

[presentation-api] Consider use cases for Presentation API v2 with VR capable displays

[presentation-api] Forced 1-UA mode for documents or frames

[presentation-api] Investigate possible compatibility with HbbTV

[presentation-api] new commits pushed by mfoltzgoogle

[presentation-api] Presentation display capability detection

[presentation-api] Presentation of objects

[presentation-api] Presentation Testing API

[presentation-api] Presentations without communication channel

[presentation-api] Pull Request: Ask for tests for normative changes in

[remote-playback] [Meta] Guidance for HTMLMediaElement, HTMLAudioElement, HTMLVideoElement behaviors during remoting

[remote-playback] Remote Playback API test automation

[remote-playback] Should rendering behavior of the remote-d media element be specified?

Agenda for Second Screen WG/CG F2F at TPAC

CfC: Second Screen WG Charter 2018 draft - please review by 28 Nov

Closed: [presentation-api] Presentation display capability detection

Second Screen WG Charter 2018 draft - please review by 28 Nov

Weekly github digest (Second Screen WG/CG repos)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2017 17:43:46 UTC