from June 2017 by subject

[presentation-api] [meta] Presentation API Testing

[presentation-api] [meta] Publish a revised Candidate Recommendation

[presentation-api] new commits pushed by mfoltzgoogle

[presentation-api] Pull Request: Align repo administrivia with W3C baseline

[remote-playback] [Meta] Guidance for HTMLMediaElement, HTMLAudioElement, HTMLVideoElement behaviors during remoting

[remote-playback] [meta] Publish Candidate Recommendation

[remote-playback] [Privacy] Adds notes clarifying behavior to address privacy review.

[remote-playback] [Privacy] Clarify steps to generate callbackId

[remote-playback] [Privacy] Clarify that availability callback does not include human readable names

[remote-playback] [Privacy] Request to disable monitoring when disableRemotePlayback is set

[remote-playback] Clarify cross-element uniqueness requirements of callbackId

[remote-playback] Fix #87: Add preliminary implementation report

[remote-playback] Implementation guidance for browsers when a media element with controls is remoted

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by anssiko

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by avayvod

[remote-playback] new commits pushed by mounirlamouri

[remote-playback] Notify callbacks when monitoring list of remote playback devices is stopped

[remote-playback] Produce a preliminary implementation report

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Add "Candidate Recommendation exit criteria" section

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Align repo administrivia with W3C baseline

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Clarifies handling of availability callbacks when monitoring is stopped.

[remote-playback] Pull Request: Fix #87: Add preliminary implementation report

[remote-playback] Remote Playback API test automation

[remote-playback] Remote playback device capabilities not always a subset of local playback device's

Call for Exclusions: Presentation API

Closed: [presentation-api] [meta] Publish a revised Candidate Recommendation

Closed: [remote-playback] [Privacy] Clarify steps to generate callbackId

Closed: [remote-playback] [Privacy] Clarify that availability callback does not include human readable names

Closed: [remote-playback] [Privacy] Request to disable monitoring when disableRemotePlayback is set

Closed: [remote-playback] Clarify cross-element uniqueness requirements of callbackId

Closed: [remote-playback] Implementation guidance for browsers when a media element with controls is remoted

Closed: [remote-playback] Notify callbacks when monitoring list of remote playback devices is stopped

Closed: [remote-playback] Produce a preliminary implementation report

F2F registration open (6-7 November in Burlingame, California, USA)

Joint sessions at TPAC? (was: F2F registration open (6-7 November in Burlingame, California, USA))

Weekly github digest (Second Screen WG/CG repos)

Last message date: Thursday, 29 June 2017 16:58:59 UTC