Re: Article Proposal

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
> With Karen we have simplified the pagination description.
> Can I have some +1/-1 voting and any comments for:
> 1) Adding numberOfPages to PublicationVolume & Article
> 2) Proposing to public-vocabs as 'Periodicals, Articles, and Multi-volume
> Works'  with the tweaks described applied

(minor) I've edited the proposal to use consistent styles when
providing examples for properties. itself isn't very
consistent on this front; they currently use a mix of emdashes,
semicolons, parentheses, and entirely new sentences.

I've changed the primary Article example to use pageStart / pageEnd
rather than pagination as the page run was 360-380, a pretty clear
case of where pageStart / pageEnd should be used.

However, that leaves us without an example of pagination. We should
also probably add numberOfPages to the separate books in the LotR

I've removed the "rough" proposal that Niklas had added, per the
concerns I expressed previously about invalid properties like issn
hanging off of PublicationIssue. [1]

As this is just a draft, I guess we're expecting to do more work later
to add individual examples for each class, with an introductory
sentence, the original HTML, and the marked-up with

Are we going to mention anything about our attempts to align portions
of the proposal with parts of bibo in the proposal itself?

P.S. It might have been a good idea to start a new thread when calling
for votes.


Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 15:03:49 UTC