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public-rdfa-wg@w3.org from June 2012
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28 messages
Friday, 1 June 2012 03:34:49 UTC,
Wednesday, 27 June 2012 13:00:00 UTC
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Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Manu Sporny
(Thursday, 21 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Ivan Herman
(Thursday, 21 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Alex Milowski
(Thursday, 21 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Manu Sporny
(Friday, 22 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Melvin Carvalho
(Friday, 22 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
(Friday, 22 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Manu Sporny
(Monday, 25 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Melvin Carvalho
(Wednesday, 27 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
(Friday, 22 June)
Re: Updates to RDF Interfaces, RDF API, and RDFa API
Austin William Wright
(Tuesday, 26 June)
Telecon Agenda - June 21st 2012, 1500 UTC
Manu Sporny
(Wednesday, 20 June)
Today's telecon canceled
Manu Sporny
(Thursday, 14 June)
Congrats to all on RDFa 1.1!
Manu Sporny
(Monday, 11 June)
Re: Congrats to all on RDFa 1.1!
Melvin Carvalho
(Monday, 11 June)
Notes for a History of RDFa
Steven Pemberton
(Thursday, 7 June)
RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 are W3C recommendations
Steven Pemberton
(Thursday, 7 June)
Re: RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 are W3C recommendations
Niklas Lindström
(Thursday, 7 June)
@role implemented
Ivan Herman
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: @role implemented
Shane McCarron
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: @role implemented
Gregg Kellogg
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: @role implemented
Gregg Kellogg
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: @role implemented
Shane McCarron
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: @role implemented
Toby Inkster
(Tuesday, 5 June)
Re: @role implemented
Gregg Kellogg
(Wednesday, 6 June)
Re: @role implemented
Toby Inkster
(Tuesday, 5 June)
Re: @role implemented
Toby Inkster
(Tuesday, 5 June)
Re: Notification: Role Attribute Editor's Draft available
Grant Robertson
(Friday, 1 June)
Re: Notification: Role Attribute Editor's Draft available
Toby Inkster
(Tuesday, 5 June)
Last message date
: Wednesday, 27 June 2012 13:00:00 UTC