RDFa media type fragment interpretation (TAG-ACTION-509)


As you know, the TAG previously requested that you add a Note (at [1]) flagging the issues around the use of idioms such as 'about="#me"' within HTML/XML documents using RDFa.

The TAG has never been particularly happy about the wording of that note, but we have finally reached agreement about what we think it needs to say. Here is our suggested wording:

    In some of the examples below we have used IRIs with
    fragment identifiers that are local to the document containing the
    RDFa fragment identifiers shown (e.g., 'about="#me"'). This idiom,
    which is also used in RDF/XML [RDF-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR] and other RDF
    serializations, gives a simple way to 'mint' new IRIs for entities
    described by RDFa and therefore contributes considerably to the
    expressive power of RDFa. The precise meaning of IRIs which include
    fragment identifiers when they appear in RDF graphs is given in
    Section 7 of [RDF-CONCEPTS]. To ensure that such fragment
    identifiers can be interpreted correctly, media type registrations
    for markup languages that incorporate RDFa should directly or
    indirectly reference this specification (RDFa Core).

The first two sentences are unchanged from the current note. The second two provide the pointer to RDF-CONCEPTS which describe how IRIs within RDF statements must be interpreted, and indicate how to preserve the "follow your nose" principle around the interpretation of fragment identifiers through referencing RDFa Core within media type registrations.

I hope that this wording is acceptable to you, but are of course open to further discussion.



[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/#s_Syntax_overview
Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 09:23:29 UTC