Re: 1.5 RDF and Change Over Time

On 22 Nov 2012, at 00:14, Nathan wrote:
>>> - "We informally use the term RDF source to refer to a persistent yet mutable source or container of RDF graphs."
>>> + "We informally use the term RDF source to refer to a persistent yet mutable source or provider of RDF graphs."
>> I'd like to keep “container” here to leave the definition broader.
>> How about replacing “source” with “provider”? They are near synonyms, and “source” is already in the defined term itself.
> Perhaps, I guess my main concern was the plural container of graphs, it conveyed to me that I may reasonably expect to get back multiple graphs when I poked an RDF source, since it may contain many graphs.

IMO, the two sentences that follow make sufficiently clear that its state at any given time is one RDF graph.


> Containing multiple graphs is quite different to containing multiple triples.
> Thanks for everything else that follows ->
> Best, nathan
>>> - "RDF sources may change their state over time. That is, they may contain different RDF graphs at different times."
>>> + "RDF sources may change their state over time. That is, they may provide different RDF graphs at different times."
>> Well, works for me, so changed.
>>> As a minor note, 3.1 the definition of a Triple, "An RDF triple contains three components", does this differ in any way from "An RDF triple is comprised of three components", and if not, is the latter a possible editorial change?
>> I agree, “contains” implies that there might be identity that is independent from the “contents”. The proposed “is comprised of” fixes that, but sounds complicated. I changed it to "consists of", perhaps a good middle ground.
>> Best,
>> Richard

Received on Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:18:40 UTC