Re: Proposal: described vs stated triple terms

There is only one graph.

> On 25 Jul 2024, at 15:59, James Anderson <> wrote:
> good morning;
>>> On 25. Jul 2024, at 09:41, Franconi Enrico <> wrote:
>>>> On 25 Jul 2024, at 15:18, Thomas Lörtsch <> wrote:
>>>> On 25. Jul 2024, at 15:00, Franconi Enrico <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas,
>>>>> that is exactly how I see it, but Enrico’s responses to Gregory Williams [0] and the RDF/LPG wikipage [1] they refer to seem to suggest a different reading.
>>>> I happen to agree 100% with Andy’s email.
>>>> I don’t see any contradiction with [0] and [1].
>>> Well, the contradiction is that you talk about a reified statement as if it was asserted in a graph, but you call it optional if it is actually asserted.
>> I never said that.
>> I said that a reifier denotes an existing resource in the graph.
>> A reifier reifies a triple term, and it represents the induced resource by the triple term.
>> In our example,
>> :e1 rdf:reifies <<(:a1 :transaction :a2)>>.
>> :e2 rdf:reifies <<(:a1 :transaction :a2)>>.
>> :e1, :e2 a :transaction.
>> there are two transactions, denoted by the two reifiers of the same triple term.
>> The triple structure of the triple term it reifies does not necessarily appear as a triple in the graph.
>> But It could, if you want to have it in the graph:
>> :a1 :transaction :a2.
>> But this triple in the graph is by no means “identifying” a transaction (in fact, we know that it “relates” to at least two transactions).
>> So, the graph says that there are two transactions (:e1 and :e2, both between :a1 and :a2), and that the (one) triple :a1 :transaction :a2. is a true fact the graph.
> "the graph" is which graph?
> is it the one which includes the first three statements or the one which includes also the fourth statement?
> yes, that may be self-evident to the author, but the sentence is ambiguous.
> this is, unfortunately, typical of many of the discussions here.
>> For my terminology, see

>> —e.
>>>>> [0]

>>>>> [1]

>>>>>> On 25. Jul 2024, at 14:32, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 25/07/2024 11:58, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Enrico,
>>>>>>> - you didn’t counter my argument that according to your interpretation of the current workline we now do not have a way to describe statements without asserting them
>>>>>> A graph is a set of triples.
>>>>>> A triple T is _asserted in a graph G_ if and only if T is a member of G.
>>>>>> This is the meaning of "asserted" prior to this working group.
>>>>>> As you said last Friday, we drop the "in a graph G" when the graph clear, i..e only one graph under discussion.
>>>>>> The graph
>>>>>> << :s :p :o >> :q :r .
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> _:B rdf:reifies <<( :s :p :o )>> .
>>>>>> _:B :q :r .
>>>>>> In this graph, the triple :s :p :o is not a member of the set of triples making up the graph.
>>>>>> The triple :s :p :o is not asserted.
>>>>>> The triple via it's triple term is being described (especially when transparent). For me, a "description of a triple" is fine informally - a  description of a thing is not the thing itself.
>>>>>> While understand that <<( )>> is the triple as a 3-tuple, I prefer "triple term" for this usage as an RDF term to make it clear that the triple is not an element of the set of triples making up the graph.
>>>>>> Andy
> ---
> james anderson | |


Received on Thursday, 25 July 2024 14:05:17 UTC