Re: summary un/asserted

> On 9 Jul 2024, at 19:11, Doerthe Arndt <> wrote:
> I am still trying to understand the problem or more precisely, why it would not be enough to have your two predicates rdf:reifies and rdf:instantiates (as :says vs. :saysAndAsserts from the meeting) and simply say that
> :x rdf:instantiates << :s :p :o>>.
> entails (in some rdf-star entailment)
> :s :p :o.
> I am not sure that this would be what I want, but that is how I understand your proposal?

This was exactly my point at our latest TF meeting. I still can’t understand why this wouldn’t be satisfactory.

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 18:25:24 UTC