from June 2023 by subject

[Editors] PR for common files

[rdf12-new] Confusion about 1.1 vs. 1.2 references in "What’s New in RDF 1.2"

[Sem] "at risk"

[Sem] for discussion in 16 June meeting

[sem] Regrets for the June 16 meeting

[sem] very short minutes (!)

Agenda+: RDF-star WG tests

Agenda+: Text Direction

Call for Exclusions: RDF 1.2 Semantics

Call for Exclusions: SPARQL 1.2 Entailment Regimes

Event Invitation: ConnegP and Profiles meeting

Event Updated: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

Greetings from Google & PathQuery

possible regrets for 15 June

Regarding conformance levels (issue #19)

regrets for the call on this Thursday

Regrets for the meeting today

Scribe this week

What are the differences between a quoted triple and its singleton set?

Last message date: Thursday, 29 June 2023 12:45:36 UTC