Re: Event Updated: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

Items to discuss in use cases:

- It is probably time to send out a message to the WG email list, the CG email 
list, and the SW email list soliciting use cases.

- Should the UCR repository be mentioned in the places where WG output is 
mentioned?  This would be easiest if the WG decided to create a WG note for 
use cases.  (I'm not advocating that the WG make this decision at this time, 

- There are several use cases that have significant information in them.  Look 
in the UCR wiki at or for use case issues 
  Comments in the issues are welcomed.

- Please consider taking up a use case from the community group.  To do so add 
an entry to 
  Then contact the submitter, get them to create a use case issue in, and collaborate with them to create a full use 
case that can help determine how quoted triples will work.


Received on Thursday, 8 June 2023 13:05:20 UTC