Agenda 23 Februrary 2023 - report on use cases process proposal and next steps

I sent out my proposed process for handling use cases on 9 February 2023 and 
a reminder on 16 February 2023 
There have been no requests for changes so I propose that the working group 
set up a process along the lines described in these messages.

This requires setting up a new repository for use cases with the intent of 
turning the use cases into a working group note.  I'm willing to create 
content for the repository and turn the use cases that the CG collected into 
entries in the repository and ensure that submitters of the use cases are 
notified that their use case has been transferred to the working group and 
what they can do to enhance the effect their use case has on the technical 
work of the working group.


Received on Thursday, 23 February 2023 13:54:38 UTC