Use Cases: proposed use case process

I haven't heard any comments on this proposal so far.  If you are on the task 
force please provide comments or suggest a different process.


On 2/9/23 14:24, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I propose the following use case process.
> Anyone can submit a use case.
> To be considered by the working group the use case needs to be about quoted 
> triples in RDF or SPARQL.
> To be considered by the working group a working group member needs to 
> support the use case.
> To be considered by the working group the use case has to have a minimum 
> amount of information, including
> what the use case is about;
> a rationale that the use case cannot be handled without quoted triples;
> a rationale that the use case is effectively handled by quoted triples;
> how quoted triples need to behave to support the use case;
> and a fully worked out example that supports the entire use case, not just a 
> part of it.
> A use case editor examines the use case and determines whether there is 
> sufficient information in it for it to be considered by the working group.  
> (This decision can be appealed to the working group as a whole.)
> The working group then either
> accepts the use case as one that should be supported by the working group's 
> recommendations;
> rejects the use case as either out of scope entirely or one that will not be 
> supported by the recommendations;
> defers a decision until later;
> or asks for changes to the use case or more information about the use case.
> A new repository is created for the use cases, to support the creation of a 
> working group note.
> The note starts out with information about the use case process.
> As use cases are submitted the note points to them, appropriately categorized.
> Discussion on a use case occurs in a repository issue created for the purpose.
> Use cases are created as wiki entries in the repository in a format suitable 
> for automatic insertion into a note.
> The repository wiki home entry contains information about how to create a 
> wiki entry for a use case.
> peter

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2023 19:00:35 UTC