Semantic Predication: 4 - more worked out examples

Here I show more worked out examples.

EXAMPLE 2 (Is TEP a good solution?):

this example shows why it is better to have a syntactic way to characterise semantic embedded triples as opposed to use the TEP facility.

<<< :catalog-entry-1 dct:creator :alice >>> rdf:type :cataloging ;
                                            dct:created "2022-07-01"^^xsd:date .

<< :catalog-entry-1 dct:creator :mary >> rdf:type unstar:triple ;
                                         dct:created "2022-08-04"^^xsd:date .

vs the non-compositional solution with TEP:

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator1 :alice >> rdf:type :cataloging ;
                                        dct:created "2022-07-01"^^xsd:date .

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator2 :mary >> rdf:type unstar:triple ;
                                       dct:created "2022-08-04"^^xsd:date .

:creator1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:creator .
:creator2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:creator .
:creator1 rdf:type rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty .
:catalog-entry-1 :creator1 :alice .

EXAMPLE 3 (Is the {|...|} notation a good solution?):

this example shows why it is better to have a syntactic way to characterise semantic embedded triples as opposed to use the {|...|} facility.

<<< :john :teaches :cs101 >>> dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University .

vs the non-compositional solution of current RDF-star:

:john :teaches :cs101 {| :location1 dbr:Stanford_University |} .
:location1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:Location .
:location1 rdf:type rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty .

EXAMPLE 4 (Multi-Edge):

this example shows how can we represent and reify multi-edge facts.

<<< :liz :spouse-1 :richard >>> rdf:type :marriage ;
                                dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1964–1974 .
<<< :liz :spouse-2 :richard >>> rdf:type :marriage ;
                                dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1975–1976 .
                                dct:location dbr:Las_Vegas .
:spouse-1 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .
:spouse-2 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .

entails (and it is entailed by):

_:b unstar-sem:subject   :liz .
_:b unstar-sem:predicate :spouse-1 .
_:b unstar-sem:object    :richard .
_:b rdf:type :marriage .
_:b dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1964–1974 .
_:c unstar-sem:subject   :liz .
_:c unstar-sem:predicate :spouse-2 .
_:c unstar-sem:object    :richard .
_:c rdf:type :marriage .
_:c dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1975–1976 .
_:c dct:location dbr:Las_Vegas .
:liz :spouse-1 :richard .
:liz :spouse-2 :richard .
:spouse-1 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .
:spouse-2 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .
:liz :spouse :richard .

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2023 16:26:40 UTC