Semantic Predication: 3 - worked out basic example

Here I show a fully worked out example of a semantic embedded triple.

<<< :john :teaches :cs101 >>> rdf:type :teaching ;
                              dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University ;
                              dct:PeriodOfTime :1st-term-2022 .

entails (and it is entailed by):

_:b unstar-sem:subject   :john .
_:b unstar-sem:predicate :teaches .
_:b unstar-sem:object    :cs101 .
_:b rdf:type :teaching .
_:b dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University .
_:b dct:PeriodOfTime :1st-term-2022 .
:john :teaches :cs101 .

The properties of the class of semantic embedded triples are:

  *   Semantic embedded triples are fully transparent.
  *   Semantic embedded triples are always asserted.
  *   Semantic embedded triples entail their reification *and* vice-versa (logical equivalence).

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2023 16:25:52 UTC