Re: Semantic Predication: 4 - more worked out examples


about your Example 2, I think the rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty 
is supposed to be the type of the property applied on the quoted triple, 
not the type of the property inside the quoted triple. So the solution 
with TEP would be:

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator :alice >> :transparentType :cataloging ;
                                        dct:created "2022-07-01"^^xsd:date .

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator :mary >> rdf:type unstar:triple ;
                                       dct:created "2022-08-04"^^xsd:date .

:transparentType rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:type .
:transparentType rdf:type rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty .
:catalog-entry-1 :creator :alice .

Maybe we could provide a standard rdf:transparentType if this use case 
is so common? In which case the example would become:

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator :alice >> rdf:transparentType :cataloging ;
                                        dct:created "2022-07-01"^^xsd:date .

<< :catalog-entry-1 :creator :mary >> rdf:type unstar:triple ;
                                       dct:created "2022-08-04"^^xsd:date .

:catalog-entry-1 :creator :alice .

It doesn't look so bad to me anymore.



Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 11:50:23 UTC