Re: Is there any way to exclude prefixes from results?

Hello Ben,

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 17:39 -0700, Ben Adida wrote:
> Interestingly, those were part of the XHTML specification before RDFa 
> got involved: bookmark, index, section are reserved keywords for
> @rel. 
> Do microformats really overload these pre-existing terms?

No they Dont, "bookmark" is the only reserved rel value microformats use
(as far as I know)

I on the other hand probably do, I use alternate, start, index, section
and bookmark to generate a sitemap on my site :)

I think the problem was ME not understanding RDFa markup too much Its
easy enough when you are creating small blocks of data but when you
start applying RDFa markup to entire pages, It gives you a little more
to think about as one stray @href or @src can really have unexpected
results in your final output , everything is well now though ;)


Martin McEvoy

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2008 14:23:53 UTC