RE: CONSTRUCT * example in 10.2 does not declare "foaf" prefix.

Hum, I am not so comfortable with the notion that users would be unable
to construct a graph using a SPARQL query.  Is that really the current
position?  This seems to be a pretty based feature.


-----Original Message-----
From: Seaborne, Andy
To: Thompson, Bryan B.
Cc: ''
Sent: 3/15/2005 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: CONSTRUCT * example in 10.2 does not declare "foaf" prefix.

Thompson, Bryan B. wrote:
> Hello,
> The CONSTRUCT * example in section 10.2 does not declare the "foaf"
> prefix.
> CONSTRUCT * WHERE ( ?x foaf:name ?name )
> -bryan


Also fixed by removal - the section on "CONSTRUCT *" has been removed
the definition doesn't work in the presence of GRAPH in the query.  The
idea was 
to return that subgraph that would give the same answers but with GRAPH
query is over an RDF dataset, not a single graph.  The only alternative
I can 
think of at this late stage would be to allow "CONSTRUCT *" only if no
keyword appears in the query.

and example 4:

CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE
    GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o }
    { ?g dc:publisher <> }
    { ?g dc:date ?date }
    FILTER app:myDate(?date) > "2005-02-28T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime

 Thanks again,

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 16:47:03 UTC