from April 2005 by subject

[Bug 1202] Bugs in Use Case "STRONG"

[Bug 1202] New: Bugs in Use Case "STRONG"

[Bug 1203] New: Definition in Abstract

[Bug 1204] New: s/Non-normative/Informative/ References

[Bug 1205] New: text/javascript

[Bug 1205] text/javascript

[Bug 1206] New: Quote marks in section 7

[Bug 1207] New: Is unsignedInt("+123") an error?

[Bug 1208] New: deep-equal() is not transitive and reflexive

[Bug 1209] [F&O] Definition of Whitespace

[Bug 1209] New: Definition of Whitespace

[Bug 1210] Default collation for contains() and friends

[Bug 1210] New: Default collation for contains() and friends

[Bug 1211] [F&O] Midnight (24:00:00)

[Bug 1211] New: Midnight (24:00:00)

[Bug 1212] New: Typo in 14.1 - fn:name()

[Bug 1212] Typo in 14.1 - fn:name()

[Bug 1213] New: Typo in example in 14.9.1 fn:root()

[Bug 1213] Typo in example in 14.9.1 fn:root()

[Bug 1214] New: Typo in 15.1.11 fn:unordered()

[Bug 1214] Typo in 15.1.11 fn:unordered()

[Bug 1216] New: Schema for XDT namespace has wrong dated URI

[Bug 1216] Schema for XDT namespace has wrong dated URI

[Bug 1217] New: Schema for XDT namespace has wrong dated URI

[Bug 1217] Schema for XDT namespace has wrong dated URI

[Bug 1218] New: Serialization uses 6-character error codes

[Bug 1218] Serialization uses 6-character error codes

[Bug 1219] Interaction of character maps and cdata-section-elements

[Bug 1219] New: Interaction of character maps and cdata-section-elements

[Bug 1220] New: Serialization - choice of quotes on attributes

[Bug 1220] Serialization - choice of quotes on attributes

[Bug 1221] New: Serialization - description of round-trip differences

[Bug 1222] New: Serialization - Extensibility

[Bug 1223] New: Serialization - "MAY" in 5.1.4

[Bug 1223] Serialization - "MAY" in 5.1.4

[Bug 1224] New: Serialization: typo in example in 7.2

[Bug 1225] description of / and // (editorial)

[Bug 1225] New: description of / and // (editorial)

[Bug 1227] Error in first example in 15.3?

[Bug 1227] New: Error in first example in 15.3?

[Bug 1228] Error XTSE0680 doesn't apply to tunnel parameters

[Bug 1228] New: Error XTSE0680 doesn't apply to tunnel parameters

[Bug 1229] Example in 15.1.10 is wrong

[Bug 1229] New: Example in 15.1.10 is wrong

[Bug 1230] New: Rules for forwards-compatibility mode

[Bug 1230] Rules for forwards-compatibility mode

[Bug 1231] [DM] Pattern facet for ordered durations can and should be simplified

[Bug 1231] New: Pattern facet for ordered durations can and should be simplified

[Bug 1231] Pattern facet for ordered durations can and should be simplified

[Bug 1232] [XPath] schema-element() and nillable

[Bug 1232] New: [XPath] schema-element() and nillable

[Bug 1233] [XSLT] Parameterizing Serialization

[Bug 1233] New: [XSLT] Parameterizing Serialization

[Bug 1234] [DM] Typed Value and String Value of QName-valued parentless attributes

[Bug 1234] New: [DM] Typed Value and String Value of QName-valued parentless attributes

[Bug 1235] [XSLT] Namespace fixup for QName-valued content is unduly onerous

[Bug 1235] New: [XSLT] Namespace fixup for QName-valued content is unduly onerous

[Bug 1236] [XSLT] List of instructions in 19.2 omits xsl:document

[Bug 1236] New: [XSLT] List of instructions in 19.2 omits xsl:document

[Bug 1238] New: [XSLT] Typo in example in 11.10

[Bug 1239] [XSLT] Errors 1180 and 1190 are equivalent

[Bug 1239] New: [XSLT] Errors 1180 and 1190 are equivalent

[Bug 1240] [F&O] fn:prefix-from-QName doesn't say what happens when there's no prefix

[Bug 1240] New: fn:prefix-from-QName doesn't say what happens when there's no prefix

[Bug 1241] New: xs:NCNAME should be xs:NCName

[Bug 1241] xs:NCNAME should be xs:NCName

[Bug 1242] New: Typo in 2nd example for distinct-values()

[Bug 1242] Typo in 2nd example for distinct-values()

[Bug 1243] New: fn:escape-uri needs to be invertible in the true() case; take out the % exception

[Bug 1244] [XSLT 2.0] question about result-document/@href

[Bug 1244] New: [XSLT 2.0] question about result-document/@href

[Bug 1245] New: Signature for fn:tokenize is wrong

[Bug 1245] Signature for fn:tokenize is wrong

[Bug 1246] New: Appendix G lists error err:XPTY0006 as unused

[Bug 1247] fn:id uses error err:XPTY0004 but it should use err:XPTY0006

[Bug 1247] New: fn:id uses error err:XPTY0004 but it should use err:XPTY0006

[Bug 1248] New: function-available and compile time errors (editorial)

[Bug 1249] [XQuery] Is it too restrictive to only allow last path step to return atomic values?

[Bug 1249] New: [XQuery] Is it too restrictive to only allow last path step to return atomic values?

[Bug 1250] [XQuery] the typed value of a document node

[Bug 1250] New: [XQuery] the typed value of a document node

[Bug 1251] Examples of use of date time function

[Bug 1251] New: Examples of use of date time function

[Bug 1252] [F+O] typo (subtracing) in 10.8.3

[Bug 1252] New: [F+O] typo (subtracing) in 10.8.3

[Bug 1253] New: [XSLT] Editorial: formatting of d-o-e in Appendix D.

[Bug 1256] New: [XPath] Error in example in 3.7 (distinct-values())

[Bug 1257] New: [XSLT] Default namespace for cdata-section-elements

[Bug 1258] [Ser] Definition of "URI attribute values"

[Bug 1258] New: [Ser] Definition of "URI attribute values"

[Bug 1259] [DM] Typed value and xsi:nil

[Bug 1259] New: [DM] Typed value and xsi:nil

[Bug 1261] [XQuery] Meta type for Sequence Type

[Bug 1261] New: [XQuery] Meta type for Sequence Type

[Bug 1262] New: Typed value of empty element constructor:

[Bug 1262] Typed value of empty element constructor:

[Bug 1264] [XSLT] Reconsider XTDE1480

[Bug 1264] New: [XSLT] Reconsider XTDE1480

[Bug 1266] New: Errror XTDE0835

[Bug 1267] New: [XSLT 2.0] Typo in 5.8 (URI References)

[Bug 1270] New: "omit-xml-declaration" should be implementation-defined

[Bug 1271] [F&O] What if $paramQName has colon, but $paramURI is empty?

[Bug 1271] New: What if $paramQName has colon, but $paramURI is empty?

[Bug 1271] What if $paramQName has colon, but $paramURI is empty?

[Bug 1272] 3.7.4 In-scope Namespaces of a Constructed Element looks buggy

[Bug 1272] New: 3.7.4 In-scope Namespaces of a Constructed Element looks buggy

[Bug 1273] [XPath] Binding for xml: in static/dynamic contexts

[Bug 1273] New: [XPath] Binding for xml: in static/dynamic contexts

[Bug 1275] New: [F&O] Need QName -> URI mapping for functions namespace

[Bug 1276] "implementation-provided" needs to be defined if used

[Bug 1276] New: "implementation-provided" needs to be defined if used

[Bug 1277] clarification about semantics of +0.0 and -0.0 in

[Bug 1277] New: clarification about semantics of +0.0 and -0.0 in

[Bug 1278] [XQuery] Atomic Values to be returned in XPath steps

[Bug 1278] New: [XQuery] Atomic Values to be returned in XPath steps

[F&O] fn:resolve-uri and non-hierarchical base URI

[FT] FT word Distance exactly

[Serialization] SCHEMA-G

[XSLT 2.0] Parameterizing serialization

[XSLT2.0] Typos

eek! where's the comment I just made about qname/URI mapping?

fn:escape-uri needs to be invertible in the true() case; take out the % exception

Group-starting-with problem in XSLT 2.0

Missing documents

parameterizing serialization


result-document href="http:// ....

W3C Last Call and Media Type request for comments: XQuery and XQueryX

W3C Last Call and Media Type request for comments: XQuery andXQueryX

Last message date: Friday, 29 April 2005 15:26:21 UTC