fn:escape-uri needs to be invertible in the true() case; take out the % exception


"Generally, $escape-reserved should be set to true when escaping a
string that is to form a single part of a URI, and to false when
escaping an entire URI or URI reference."

Indeed, those are the two relevant tasks. I might prefer
separate functions, as the tasks are quite unrelated.
In any case, the exception for the % character makes this
function unsuitable for the task of "form[ing] a single part of a URI".

As specified, fn:escape-uri("gross %each") returns "gross%20%each"
but that doesn't actually encode the string "gross %each" into
part of a URI such that the party that encoded it can decode it
again. In order to be useful, it needs to return
'gross%20%25each' . It needs to be invertible.

i.e. XQuery should follow all the other programming languages
out there, such as

- python

>>> urllib.quote("gross %each")

- perl

perl -e 'use URI::Escape; print uri_escape("gross %each"), "\n"'


- javascript


I can't find the standard library functions for Java and C#
with a few minutes of googling, but I'll bet they work likewise.

p.s. yes, this is essentially the same comment I made back in 2003.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Friday, 8 April 2005 22:09:09 UTC