"W3C Announces its First Publishing Summit and New Publishing Standards Work"
[Admin] your github handle and preferred IRC nickname
[Draft Minutes] 2017-06-26
[f2f] IRC channel for today
[Meeting Summary] 2017-06-26
[PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)
Bidir text and Unicode
blog post about the F2F
Document repositories have been set up
Meeting minutes of the 2nd F2F Day, 2017-06-23
Minutes of the first F2F meeting, 2016-06-22
naming contest for WP
- Hadrien Gardeur (Monday, 26 June)
- Johnson, Rick (Monday, 26 June)
- Ivan Herman (Monday, 26 June)
- Philipzen, Michaela (Saturday, 24 June)
- Leonard Rosenthol (Sunday, 25 June)
- laurent.lemeur@edrlab.org (Saturday, 24 June)
- Hadrien Gardeur (Saturday, 24 June)
- Rachel Comerford (Saturday, 24 June)
- Ivan Herman (Saturday, 24 June)
- Juli Calderazi (Saturday, 24 June)
- matt.garrish (Saturday, 24 June)
- Matt Garrish (Friday, 23 June)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 23 June)
- matt.garrish (Friday, 23 June)
- Rachel Comerford (Friday, 23 June)
- matt.garrish (Friday, 23 June)
- James Bryant (Friday, 23 June)
- Bill Kasdorf (Friday, 23 June)
- Yuri Khramov (Friday, 23 June)
- Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken (Friday, 23 June)
PROPOSAL: scope of Web Publications spec should be minimized
- Ivan Herman (Tuesday, 27 June)
- MURATA Makoto (Tuesday, 27 June)
- Ivan Herman (Tuesday, 27 June)
- Ivan Herman (Tuesday, 27 June)
- Avneesh Singh (Tuesday, 27 June)
- Bill McCoy (Monday, 26 June)
- MURATA Makoto (Monday, 26 June)
- Bill McCoy (Monday, 26 June)
- MURATA Makoto (Monday, 26 June)
- Hadrien Gardeur (Monday, 26 June)
- Bill McCoy (Monday, 26 June)
Publishing Working Group Charter Approved; Call for Participation
RE : naming contest for WP
Regrets - Re: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)
Regrets -- RE: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)
Regrets, but curious to know which browser vendor attended the F2F (was Re: [PWG] 20170626 Agenda (inaugural edition!)
Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2017 12:30:28 UTC