from June 2016 by subject

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (13 June 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (20 June 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (27 June 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (6 June 2016)

[Minutes] 2016-05-30

[Minutes] 2016-06-06

[Minutes] 2016-06-13

[Minutes] 2016-06-20

[Minutes] 2016-06-27

Call 13 June - apologies

Comments on one requirement

Fwd: facilitating requirement cross references in the ucr document

ISSUE-8: Should requirements be limited to those that we plan to fulfill?

Likely Regrets for POE Telecon on 20th June

POE Requirements: already a draft for a solution?

poe-ACTION-12: Write up rob atkinson's use case

poe-ACTION-13: Add requirement

poe-ACTION-14: Create new UC(s) to show the need for expressing explicitly to what a constraint applies.

poe-ACTION-15: Create new UC(s) to show the need for the ability to define categories of licensees and categories of assets

poe-ACTION-16: Create new UC(s) to show the need for the ability to specify a fee within and outside the POE expressio

poe-ISSUE-4 (HorizontalReview): Horizontal Review of Deliverables

poe-ISSUE-5 (Conformance): Conformance of ODRL

poe-ISSUE-6 (Profiles): ODRL Profiles

poe-ISSUE-7 (LicenceMapping): Guidelines for mapping ODRL to Instant Licenses

poe-ISSUE-9 (BestPractice): Development of an ODRL Best Practices NOTE

POE: question regarding use case UC.04

Questions re POE.UC.01

Regrets for Monday 20th

Regrets for POE Telecon on 20th June

Requirements for Policy Bundle and Use Bundle?

Talk about comments on requirements

What the Requirements Editors would like to discuss on Monday, 20 June

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2016 13:25:22 UTC