Requirements for Policy Bundle and Use Bundle?

When I drew up the News Permissions and Restrictions Use Case I've outlined for POE

I identified two sets of requirements which I think are not directly covered by the existing ODRL 2.1 requirements or specs. Specifically,
1.   POE must allow for the identification of a "policy bundle" - a set of permissions and restrictions with constraints, together with any duties that must perform, in order to unlock the permissions. The set may be associated with one or more sets of content. Therefore the policy bundle must have a unique identifier.
2.   POE must allow for the identification of a "use bundle" - a set of actions with context in which that action is to be performed. An Editor identifies a content use in context, meaning a particular action they propose to take with pieces of content (e.g. "print", "distribute", "archive") and any relevant context for that action (e.g. location="France"). The types of context for an action correspond to possible constraints which could apply to the use of a piece of content. The use is not tied to one particular piece of content. The use must have a unique identifier

I've been looking at the requirements that are being derived from the use cases at but I don't really see how the "policy bundle" and "use bundle" requirements are reflected there. I do see (which I do discuss in my use case) and - which I think is likely derived from this part of my use case:

RH.2: Identify a set of content[edit<>]

"Identify one or more items of content to be treated as a set". (RH.2 may well be outside the scope of POE).

Which - as I indicate - might be outside the scope of POE.

If I've missed the "policy bundle" and "use bundle" requirements, then please let me know. In the experimental work I've done to implement an ODRL rights processing engine, I found both concepts to be crucial additions to ODRL. I'd love to see them directly supported by POE.



Received on Thursday, 30 June 2016 13:25:22 UTC