from April 2020 by thread

[Minutes] 30 April 2020 WPWG call Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 30 April)

Status update on proposed payment handler changes from Mar 30 Danyao Wang (Thursday, 30 April)

[Minutes] 29 April 2020 card payment security task force call Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 29 April)

[Agenda] 29 April 2020 Card Payment Security Task Force call Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 28 April)

[Agenda] 30 April 2020 Web Payments WG teleconference Ian Jacobs (Monday, 27 April)

Scalability of PaymentHandler-based Systems Anders Rundgren (Saturday, 25 April)

Work in Progress: Plans for a virtual code-a-thon Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 22 April)

[w3c/webpayments] Add mention of private browsing as insufficient (#253) ianbjacobs (Monday, 20 April)

[Minutes] 16 April 2020 WPWG call Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 16 April)

Updates on work items formulated in October 2019 Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 15 April)

[Minutes] 15 April 2020 card payment security task force call Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 15 April)

[Summary] Web Payments Working Group Virtual Meeting Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 14 April)

[Agenda] 15 April 2020 Card Payment Security Task Force call - is there consensus on proposal for SRC through PR API? Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 14 April)

[Agenda] 16 April 2020 Web Payments WG teleconference -- includes Chrome changes and impact on 3DS Ian Jacobs (Monday, 13 April)

WebAuthn + PaymentRequest Anders Rundgren (Sunday, 12 April)

Upcoming changes to payment method manifests. Rouslan Solomakhin (Friday, 10 April)

[Minutes] Virtual WPWG meeting (30 March - 2 April 2020) Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 2 April)

Survey regarding virtual WPWG meeting (30 March to 2 April) Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 2 April)

FYI: Security Analysis of Web Payments (Master's thesis) Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 1 April)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 April 2020 17:20:10 UTC