Re: [Minutes] 16 April 2020 WPWG call

On 2020-04-16 20:46, Ian Jacobs wrote:
> Dear Web Payments Working Group,
> Minutes from today’s discussion:

AHB says:
 > perhaps there's an opportunity for us to define a generic payment
 > consent flow and model that isn't designed for any particular network, but
 > has all the properties needed by a payment system to get consent, authorization, etc. in digital channels
 > I think that might be more effective than creating opaque communication channels between origins via the browser

This would be a major (and welcomed) change in direction.

 > we might want something that allows the merchant to request a payment,
 > and the merchant gets back info that proves the user approved payment
 > of a certain amount from a specific account.
 > and the standardized blob could be used by a variety of payment systems

Since the WG have shown no interest in a system that actually does that [1,2], would it be possible to get at least a tiny sketch showing the "approximately" RIGHT way accomplishing this indeed very interesting goal?

Danyao says:
 > we have talked a lot about technical implementation; we are interested in how to support PSPs to drive the next features for merchants.
 > would like to build a tiered solution: PSPs build solutions for merchants; browsers build for PSPs

This also represents a focus change from a WG perspective.  There are several hurdles though:
- As can be seen from the member list, PSPs (Banks) are not particularly interested in open standardization; they prefer their own closed forums like EPC and EMPSA.
- PSPs are unlikely to be thrilled by new Web-only solutions but the WG have not yet figured out how their work could fit in a bigger picture, including the quite popular DesktopWeb/MobileWallet scenario.
- To be successful, such work also requires more (non-browser) security related stuff than is currently the case.
- The issue mentioned in [3] remains unaddressed although the core applies to hundreds of already deployed systems.


1] System Overview:
2] "Bitlevel" Messaging:


Received on Friday, 17 April 2020 04:31:37 UTC