from February 2018 by subject

[Agenda] 1 March 2018 3DS Task Force teleconference

[Agenda] 13 February Tokenization Task Force call

[Agenda] 27 February Tokenization Task Force call

[Agenda] Tokenization task force call on 6 February

[Minutes] 1 February 2018 3DS Task Force call

[Minutes] 22 Feb 2018 WPWG teleconference

[Minutes] 27 February Tokenization Task Force

[Minutes] 6 February 2018 Tokenization Task Force call

[Minutes] Tokenization Task Force; next meeting 27 February

[Tokenization Task Force] Updated Tokenized Card Payment Specification

[w3c/webpayments] Interledger Payment Method (#245)

[w3c/webpayments] refer to specific versions of IL-RFCs (#246)

[w3c/webpayments] Remove localBiblio from Interledger spec (#247)

Call for agenda items for Thursday 8th February

CANCELED: 8 February WPWG teleconference

DECISION regarding WPWG Face-to-Face meeting: 19-20 April 2018 in Singapore

IMPORTANT: Dates for F2F and Charter Review

Intent to Ship Payment Handler API in Blink

Interledger Payment Method

Next 3DS Task Force call: 1 March

Planning Tokenization Task Force update to WG on 8 March

Registration for PWG face-to-face meeting (19-20 April 2018 in Singapore)

Second Web Payments Working Group PAG Recommends Continued Work

Summary of upcoming WPWG calls

Summary of upcoming WPWG meetings

wpwg-ACTION-82: Craft a tokenization response data example

wpwg-ACTION-83: Look for example of leveraging crypto and how to specify inputs, etc.

wpwg-ACTION-84: Analyze response data models from applepay, googlepay, samsungpay to compare with tokenization response data model

Last message date: Tuesday, 27 February 2018 23:10:13 UTC