Re: [w3c/webpayments] refer to specific versions of IL-RFCs (#246)

adrianhopebailie requested changes on this pull request.

I think it is most correct to leave the names of the authors. These lists may be out of date but they should reflect the list of committers on each spec.

> @@ -28,39 +28,33 @@
         localBiblio:  {
               "interledger-protocol": {
                   title:    "The Interledger Protocol"
-                  ,   href:     ""
+                  ,   href:     ""


>                    ]
                   ,   status:   "Interledger RFC"
               "interledger-addresses": {
                   title:    "Interledger Addresses"
-                  ,   href:     ""
+                  ,   href:     ""


>                    ]
                   ,   status:   "Interledger RFC"
               "payment-pointers": {
                   title:    "Payment Pointers"
-                  ,   href:     ""
+                  ,   href:     ""


>                    ]
                   ,   status:   "Interledger RFC"
               "simple-payment-setup-protocol": {
                 title:    "Simple Payment Setup Protocol"
-                ,   href:     ""
+                ,   href:     ""


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