from July 2017 by thread

[Minutes] 27 July WPWG teleconference Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 27 July)

DECISION Regarding Call for Consensus to Publish Two Candidate Recommendations Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 26 July)

AGENDA - Interledger Community Group Call - 26 July - 3pm UTC Adrian Hope-Bailie (Tuesday, 25 July)

[Agenda] 25 July Tokenization Task Force call Ian Jacobs (Monday, 24 July)

[Agenda] 25 July Payment Apps Task Force teleconference Ian Jacobs (Monday, 24 July)

Payment Methods Good Practice moved to developer portal Ian Jacobs (Monday, 24 July)

[w3c/webpayments] Spec removed in favor of developer portal (#230) ianbjacobs (Monday, 24 July)

No payment apps task force meeting on 18 July - next meeting 25 July Ian Jacobs (Monday, 17 July)

[Agenda] 18 July Tokenization task force call Ian Jacobs (Monday, 17 July)

[Agenda] 20 July WPWG teleconference Ian Jacobs (Monday, 17 July)

Call for Consensus to Publish Two Candidate Recommendations - RESPONSE REQUESTED by 26 July 2017 Ian Jacobs (Monday, 17 July)

[w3c/webpayments] Tweaks (#229) ianbjacobs (Monday, 17 July)

Re: Should we make Payment Method Best Practice a WPWG Note? Ian Jacobs (Monday, 17 July)

Status/Sample PaymentHandler API Anders Rundgren (Monday, 17 July)

[Agenda] 11 July Tokenization task force call Ian Jacobs (Monday, 10 July)

[Agenda] 11 July Payment Apps Task Force teleconference Ian Jacobs (Monday, 10 July)

[Minutes] 6 July WPWG teleconference - next call 20 July Ian Jacobs (Monday, 10 July)

Preparing for a CfC for PaymentRequest CR Zach Koch (Wednesday, 5 July)

UX design considerations with the PR API Marcos Caceres (Wednesday, 5 July)

Last message date: Thursday, 27 July 2017 15:10:06 UTC