Allowed types of punning (ISSUE-114)


Here is a list of punning that one can have in OWL 2. Each entry of the form

- X | Y:
  Z | W

should be interpreted as "If a URI u is used as an object of type X or Y, then u can also be used as an object of type Z or W". So
here is the list.


- individual:
  class | datatype | object property | data property | annotation property

- class | datatype:
  individual | object property | data property | annotation property 

- object property | data property | annotation property:
  individual | class | datatype


I believe that the use cases for "individual vs. anything" type of punning have been well documented in a number of publications.
Thus, the only type of punning that could potentially be controversial is "class or datatype vs. some type of property".

Right, I don't expect people really wanting to have a property called "xsd:integer"; however, I don't see how disallowing it makes
the spec better. People can do this in OWL Full, and allowing this in OWL DL merely allows us to handle a larger percentage of RDF
graphs. Moreover, I believe that there is no distinction between the semantics of punning in OWL Full and OWL DL; to be more
precise, I don't think you can notice the difference at the level of consequences.

The same holds for punning of the form "class vs. some type of property".



Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 18:25:21 UTC