discussion of ISSUE-16 - was draft of minutes from telecon of 2 July now available


I expect that the minutes are a factual representation of the
discussion, but some of the discussion does not appear to me to be

Section 2.1.1: ISSUE-16 Entity Annotations

The issue raiser was Jeremy Carroll.

The issue itself is about the ability to annotate an entity annotation
(because it is an axiom) but not other annotations (because they are not

I did put forward a group of proposals to close the issue in
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jan/0106.html a
subset of which allow annotations on annotations, which requires only a
very small change to the functional syntax.  The situation in the RDF
syntax would be a bit more complex, but I believe that simply using the
same treatment as for single-triple axioms would work (the annotated
annotation would be reified and the annotations on "hung" off the
reification node).

There was support for one of my proposals (2a), which is the one that I
also prefer.


PS:  My proposal was very different from the one put forward by Boris.

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 22:56:35 UTC