Re: roll call from F2F2

Sandro Hawke wrote:

>> But still there is a difference between silence and absence.
> My point is that such difference should be caught at the time.  We
> should not go to RESOLVED until everyone Present has voted, or the chair
> rules specifically that we'll proceed without hearing from them
> (presumably for a noted reason).

I disagree, and fear over-engineering.

Without evidence that someone who wants to be heard has not been I 
believe our current voting methods adequately implements the consensus 

I noted that you at one point voted a 0 because your attention had 
wandered off. Personally, when that happens I tend to be silent. One 
occassion when it mattered when that happened was with the XML Syntax 
publication, and I was heard, in a manner that was technically out of 
order, after the chair had declared 'resolved', when I raised the 
missing reference to the missing GRDDL transform.


Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 12:50:45 UTC